Welcome to David and Janet Ribbans blog

We live in Adelaide, South Australia and enjoy travel in the Australian outback in our Oka 4WD motorhome, hence the blog title.

To quickly locate any of our more than 80 travel and technical articles, use the drop down menus below or scroll down the lists in the right hand sidebar. But please read the disclaimer first, we've tried to be accurate and current but things can change...
You can also visit the official Oka 4WD website here.

Pandora Web Archive

We're now honoured to have our blogs archived
on the National Library of Australia's Pandora Web Archive.
Bookmark this link to the archived version in case anything ever goes wrong with Google, or I accidentally hit "Delete All" in a fit of pique. The drop down menus above might not work in the archived version but everything else should...

Thursday, 3 October 2013

WA Trek 2013

Now we are back home again after an 11,300 km trek, mostly across Western Australia.

Here are the links to this year’s sections of our WA travel blog:

  • Adelaide to Uluru, then south west on the Great Central Road, north up the Hunt Oil Road, and due west on the Gunbarrel Highway, all the way out to Steep Point on Shark Bay, the most westerly point on the Australian mainland.
    • 4,700 km north and west on the Red track on the map, click here.
  • Debogging our Oka after getting stuck for a day on the Hunt Oil Road.
    • 0 km achieved that day, in the Yellow circle on the map. Not a good place to get bogged, it doesn’t get much more remote than this, click here.
  • Southwards from Shark Bay to Perth and the south west corner of WA.
    • 3,000 km south on the Blue track on the map, click here.
  • Central WA sort of eastwards back to Adelaide, along the Anne Beadell, Connie Sue and Old Eyre Highways.
    • 3,600 km east on the Green track on the map, click here.


Just for fun, as an indication of how far we travel on our trips, here’s a comparison of the relative sizes of Australia and Western Europe.


Map courtesy of http://blog.australian-native.com.au